A crew jacket for Avengers 4 offers up the first look at the film’s potential logo, even without the title. It is safe to say that there is plenty of mystery surrounding the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thanks to Thanos’ iconic snap, the entire galaxy has been decimated with only half of the population left standing. Whether or not the heroes that vanished will return and how it could be possible are just a few of the big questions Avengers: Infinity War left audiences with.

So far, Marvel Studios has been wary to share any information on what is coming next for the Avengers. This could just be since Ant-Man and The Wasp and Captain Marvel are technically coming next - although they’re set in the MCU’s past. However, Marvel is being especially cagey with the still unofficially titled Avengers 4.

The title of Avengers 4 is one of the biggest questions fans have and while the title still is not known, a stand-in logo for the movie may have been revealed. The logo comes courtesy of a member of the film’s crew who specifically works with lighting control. The logo itself retains the typical font but switches the color to purple - following white/silver for The Avengers, red for Age of Ultron, and gold for Infinity War. It also features Marvel Studios’ 10 year logo at the top and the years 2016, 2017, and 2018 at the bottom. The dates line up with the pre-production and official production periods of the movie, but don’t account for the post work that will likely still be ongoing into 2019.

Since the logo doesn’t reveal the film’s actual title, potentially the biggest takeaway is the color choice. Possibly the obvious reason behind the color could be to represent the film’s big purple villain Thanos. He was front and center for Infinity War and his name was the only one the credits confirmed to be back for Avengers 4. If it isn’t for Thanos, then it could tie to the Power Stone being a key component to the sequel, or finally point to Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) being the real savior of reality.

It remains to be seen whether or not the official logo for the movie will be purple, though. This is just a crew jacket after all that doesn’t feature the film’s actual title. If it had the final title, then it would appear more likely that Avengers 4’s logo will be purple. At the end of the day, the color of the film’s logo is possibly the least important aspect to the movie, so Marvel could switch it up before official marketing materials for Avengers 4 begin to surface.

MORE: Marvel Reportedly Called Avengers 4 Infinity Gauntlet Internally

Source: Instagram

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