The fruit of the pomegranate can be eaten raw. It can also be consumed as juice and added as the main ingredient in many desserts. It can be used in salads, smoothies, juice blends, and baking products. It is also used in the manufacturing of alcoholic beverages. Due to its wide range of uses, it is in high demand.

How much does a pomegranate cost?

The cost of pomegranate differs each season. In the season where the production is high, the cost of the pomegranate will be less. But if the production is low, the rate will be increased. It also differs from place to place. On average, the cost of one pomegranate cost $2 to $5. These rates can be higher or lower depending on season and variety. 

If you are planning to buy a pound of pomegranate, it will cost you around $6 to $10. The average retail price of fresh pomegranate according to USDA is $2.08 per pound. 

In California, the average cost of a carton of pomegranate costs $30.01. 

The reason why pomegranate is slightly more expensive than apples and other common fruits is due to the intensive labor done by the farmers in cultivating the shrub. Also, the trees do not produce a lot of fruits, unlike apples and oranges. 

The cost of pomegranates in online grocery stores

The main reason why people choose to buy pomegranates on an online platform is due to their availability and reasonable price. 

The locations where pomegranates are cultivated 

This fruit is massively cultivated in all parts of the world due to its ability to withstand all the temperatures and other factors. Another reason is due to the wide range of uses in varieties of cuisines. 

Which variety of pomegranate is mostly preferred? 

There are wide ranges of varieties seen in pomegranate. However, the varieties which are in more demand are genetically modified and biotechnologically cultivated. This includes having a large size, more number of seeds, a sweeter taste, juicy, etc. 

Nowadays, farmers are least concerned about including the conventional method of cultivating crops. They have added new innovative ways which make farming easy and sustainable. This also includes getting high-yield and high-quality products. 

Nutritive value of pomegranate

Since pomegranates are the main ingredient in the manufacturing of all food products, it is said to have a high nutritive value. It contains high fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, potassium, and folate. It is a great fruit for children and growing adults. Having a pomegranate on an empty stomach helps in enriching all vitamins in our body. 

Fiber is essential for intestinal health. It helps you to remain full for a long time which indirectly reduces hunger. Vitamin C is very important for the immune system to have proper function. Both Vitamin C and Vitamin K result in improving the skin texture and complexion. It also helps in hair growth. It helps in keeping our skin look fresh and young. Folate plays a great role in increasing the hemoglobin count in our body. 

Pomegranate is highly recommended for anemic patients or for people who recently had a huge blood loss. It helps in regaining the usual blood count numbers in our body. 


Pomegranate is a fruit of commercial demand. Hence, it can be costly at times. Most people find it difficult to buy pomegranate since it is not affordable. Therefore it is always better to buy a whole fruit rather than buying seeds. By this, you will have to pay less and the product received is more. 

Another method is to buy during its season. There will be a high production of fruits during the season which would lower the cost. It will make pomegranates affordable to everyone. 

However, in most countries, loads and dozens of pomegranates are available at a low rate. This will be provided to all the low-income families and other poor sections of society. They will be a priority. After all, everyone deserves to eat healthy fruits and lead a healthy life.