Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning USPS

The product is close to you, which is why you’re getting an “Awaiting Delivery Scan” update. After being scanned at the facility, the product is transferred to the delivery truck. It is only awaiting the driver’s final scan when they try delivery at your home. If all goes as planned, your next update will indicate delivery. It may also mean the product was delivered but not scanned or was misplaced.

‘Awaiting Delivery Scan’ Meaning?

The United States Postal Service, like other shipping companies, tracks packages. The state of “Awaiting for a delivery scan.” is one you could find yourself in sometimes. It might signify a variety of things, some better than others.

 You’re hoping that “awaiting a delivery scan.” signifies that the shipment is on its way to you or delivered, but the system hasn’t been updated. When the courier fails to scan the package, this might occur. The USPS system does not update to reflect that delivery occurred.

This status may also indicate that something has happened to impede the delivery. Your package may have been delayed because of issues like restricted access to your home, the postal worker’s failure to see the item, or simply an overload of mail that necessitated the use of a second vehicle to deliver all of the deliveries. 

Due to the large volume, some mail may take longer to deliver currently, causing several areas to double up on routes and employees.

The Postal Service has received and scanned your package for delivery. Then something strange occurred. It usually takes a few days to remove the “awaiting delivery scan” notification.

Reasons for ‘USPS ‘Awaiting Delivery Scan’ Message?

If your package indicates “Awaiting Delivery Scan,” it’s because it’s in the postal carrier’s hands but hasn’t yet been delivered. 

That indicates that the courier expects to deliver the delivery that day – or very soon – but has not yet arrived at your residence.  

The truck driver discovered a few goods concealed behind a chair or in bigger shipments. Some packages may wait in the “Awaiting Delivery Scan” state for many days after being scanned by the carrier. 

The package has been misplaced. Another instance in which a present “slipped through the gaps” in the delivery vehicle, being hidden beneath a seat or behind other gifts, was uncovered. Some packages may wait in the “Awaiting Delivery Scan” state for many days after being scanned by the carrier.   

What to Do While Waiting for a Delivery Scan Alert? 

If the update lasts more than 24 hours, your only option to contact your local post office or the main USPS customer support hotline.

 You may also email, but it takes longer to get a response. Prepare your tracking number and explain that the pending. A deliver scan warning has been active for more than a day.

They will most likely urge you to wait a little longer, but they may also begin investigating what happened to the item.

You should contact your local post office, as the item may have been returned if it was put on the incorrect vehicle, misplaced, or misscanned.

How Long Does USPS to Scan Packages?

Different factors, like package volume, affect how long the USPS takes to scan your box. Consequently, the greater the number of packages in a distribution warehouse or postal truck, the longer it takes to scan them. As a result, scanning an item on some days may take just a few seconds, but on others, it may take hours or days if there is a bottleneck.

 As an added complication, if your package’s status has changed from “Out for Delivery” to “Awaiting delivery Scan,” you won’t be able to retrieve it until the postal worker is through with their shift. Remember that the courier may fail to modify the delivery status even after your goods has been delivered.


A USPS “Awaiting Delivery” scan means that the postal item will be delivered to you shortly. In most circumstances, the shipment will already be on the truck and on its way to the recipient. The item will then arrive at your front door or mailbox.

Also, it means that your item should be in your hands soon since it was recently in the hands of the delivering postal carrier. You may make a claim online if the merchandise doesn’t arrive.

  1. Can the U.S. Postal Service carry mail without scanning every item? 

Yes, a package may be delivered without being scanned as delivered. However, the package may still say “Out for Delivery” or “Awaiting Delivery Scan.” Although the Postal Service makes every effort to keep package scans up to date, there is always the risk of human mistakes.

  1. How come my package has been delayed for so long?

If you get an acceptance notice for a parcel before the package is actually received, it only means the US Postal Service has been informed that your package is on its way through the system.