Difference between Azure and AWS

What is AWS?

Comparison between Azure and AWS

Here is the main difference between AWS and Azure:

Popularity Index with Market Share

Here is the Azure and AWS difference for popularity index: AWS continues to dominate a global cloud-infrastructure services industry which is likely to hit proximately $70 billion last year. Today, it enjoys market share which is better than some top public cloud providers. In the past year, Azure’s cloud adoption rate is almost 85 percent that of AWS’, up from 70 percent last year.

AWS and Azure comparison of Market share

Advantages of AWS

Here, are significant advantages of adopting AWS cloud services:

Compute Cloud allows you to increase or decrease storage according to the need of your organization AWS enables you to select an operating system, programming language, database of your choice. Broad & deep service offerings Robust partner ecosystem Trusted by high-profile customers High Transfer Stability Minimal information is lost during server and storage transfer Offers more data centers for availability and low latency Better DevOps support Simpler licensing method Stronger support for Bl and analytics

Advantages of Azure

Here, are some major advantages of using Azure cloud services:

Capability for developers and users to create, maintain and deploy applications Fully scalable cloud computing platform offers open access across multiple languages, frameworks, and tools Total support for Microsoft legacy apps Greater awareness of enterprise needs Easy one-click migrations in many cases Conversion of on-prem licenses to the cloud Support for mixed Linux/Windows environments Offers inbuilt tool like Azure stack to help the organization deliver Azure service from the own data center

Disadvantages of AWS

Less hybrid- cloud-friendly AWS elastic load balancer is not equipped to handle as many requests as it receives AWS lacks customer support, so it more suitable for a technically savvy group of consumers and those companies who have their inbuild tech support team The number of choices offered by AWS is confusing to those who may not speak the language of technology. Incompatible and Weak Hybrid Strategy AWS is a less open private cloud. This makes it an unpopular storage option for sensitive industries like banking AWS has too many products which makes the selection process much harder

Disadvantages of Azure

The major Drawbacks of Azure cloud services are:

Customer service is not transparent, and data is hosted globally. So, if you have data restrictions where it must be stored in a specific country, at that time you need to verify/specify with Microsoft You will be charged extra for paying as you go Azure cloud-based services are full of glitches. To fix these bugs, you will need to spend additional money Less flexibility about non-Windows server platforms, when compared to AWS

Which one is better AWS or Azure?

Now, let’s see AWS vs Azure which is better for your needs? Microsoft Azure has increased its market share in the last couple of years, but not to an extent where there is a real contest between the two companies at least for the near future. Moreover, both companies introduce new products, new integrations, and new pricing structures. Therefore, the final selection will be depend on the need of your organization.