So which Pokemon is it?

None other than Darkrai, the legendary “Pitch-Black” Pokemon!

In terms of fighting style, Darkrai appears to be trap-based via placing hazards on the ground, each with different properties.

For example, here is Darkrai placing projections of itself and detonating them to stun the opposing Lucario:


Pokken Tournament (or “Pokken” for short) is a Pokemon and Tekken series fighting game crossover, available for arcades and the Wii U console.

The game involves fighting in two distinct phases which change upon contact with an attack. One phase is a ranged mode called “Field Phase”, and the other phase is a close-combat mode called “Duel Phase”.

For more visuals on Darkrai and Pokken gameplay, here’s the full trailer from Bandai Namco’s Japanese YouTube channel:

Earlier this July, an announcement on the Pokken Twitter account stated that a new character would soon be playable in Japan, a character which we now know is Darkrai.

As mentioned earlier, the stream demonstrated the arcade version of Pokken, so it is unconfirmed if Darkrai will also be available for Wii U as of yet.

However, it is highly likely that this dark-type legendary will come to the Wii U, in light of a datamining discovery finding Darkrai and a few others in the 1.3 update file, as posted by a user on the Pokken Tournament subreddit.

What are your thoughts on Darkrai? Do you like his play-style? Please leave a comment below!

[Images retrieved from Reddit and Bulbapedia]