Barnes & Noble is a marketplace based in America that sells books. It has more than 600 retail stores across all 50 states. Its headquarters are in New York City. An amazing fact is that it is the nation’s largest bookstore chain. Some of the company’s stores have cafés serving Starbucks coffee and other edibles.

Besides the company’s business, it gives back to the community by creating programs that will increase the community’s literacy and education. One of the literacy-promoting programs is the summer challenge which supports 1st through 6th graders. Buying books is expensive so another form of making education and literacy available is through electronic books. The company developed the Barnes & Noble Nook and launched the first android device in 2009.

How does Barnes & Noble work?

To get a book from Barnes & Noble you have to make an order or purchase. They have a wide range of books from storybooks to College textbooks. You can get the books from the physical stores or the e-commerce platform or Nook. Luckily, Nook allows you to borrow books through the LendMe feature. Request to lend a book is made through your Barnes & Noble account. You can also share your books through Nook with anyone who has a Barnes & Noble account with a valid credit card. It is important to note that only some books can be lent and the lendable ones have a green icon on the right side.

Alternatives to Barnes & Noble


Books-A-Million is also known as BAM and operates in 32 states. It is the second-largest bookstore chain in the U.S.  It has its headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama. Most BAM stores feature “Joe Muggs” cafés and a coffee/espresso bar.


Smashwords gives platforms to independent authors and publishers to showcase their work. All the authors have to do is submit the manuscript and Smashwords will do the rest including selling them.  The headquarters is in Los Gatos, California

Half Price Books

The headquarters is in Dallas, Texas. It has over 120 bookstores across the U.S.  Half Price Books is cheaper than Barnes & Noble and is family-owned. Most of the books, music, and movies sold are purchased from residents. It also publishes some of the books it sells.


Kobo was originally a Canadian bookselling company that was bought by Rakuten. You can buy e-books, e-readers, and Reading applications.

How long does delivery from Barnes & Noble take?

Delivery can be a bit of a task, especially at the age of total deliveries. The delivery takes up to 5 days with the standard delivery being the cheapest delivery option. The arrival tie will depend on the day of purchase and location.

Does Barnes & Noble have a return policy?

Yes. Barnes & Noble issue refunds on items purchased plus any applicable taxes for items returned within 30 days after delivery. All items must be in original shape or form and unopened when being returned. 

What is the cost of publishing with Barnes & Noble?

Publishing with Barnes & Noble is a big feat because of its popularity. It is also advantageous in that your book will be sold in its stores. It costs about $399 to self-publish depending on the format and page count you choose. When your book is published and sold, you will get a 55% author royalty rate minus the publishing cost.

Where can I get open-sourced books for reading?

There are more ways than one to access books for free, and you should take advantage of the free books. Some of the open reading sources are Project Gutenberg, Google Books, Bookbub, and Open Library. Note that you will have to create an account to access the sites. Also, you should go through the website and make sure you have checked any required boxes to avoid getting books that need to be paid for.