As per Baltimore County police, Barry was taken to the close by medical clinic however they couldn’t save him and he surrendered to death an hour after the fact. His companions and close to ones are stunned by this information and are recalling that him as an extraordinary individual who was exceptionally quiet and tranquil in nature.

Barry Ransom had as of late turned in the age of 21 years and it is exceptionally dismal news that he needed to leave the world at a particularly youthful age.In spite of the fact that his accurate birthdate is inaccessible presently, he more likely than not been born around the year 2000 – 2001 in Philadelphia.

In like manner, as per his companions, he was quiet, thoughtful just as somewhat tranquil, however inconceivably agreeable, directly from his young age. He was in his lesser year at Morgan State University studying bookkeeping before this occurrence occurred where he needed to lose his life.

We can’t find Barry Ransom on Wikipedia from where we could become acquainted with about his profile. In like manner, he was 6 feet 4 inches tall in tallness which had made him very taller than expected and because of this very explanation, he used to adore playing ball.

Because of his tranquil and bashful nature, he had very little companions yet he had the option to intrigue the vast majority of them with his benevolence and liberality. As he was acquiring information on bookkeeping at his University, he may have had a fantasy to make progress in the field of record and money.

There is no particular data from where we can find out with regards to the guardians of Barry Ransom on the web or different sources. His folks should be grieving the abrupt and inauspicious downfall of their child as he would have been an exceptionally adoring and caring posterity to them.

Tonight, we speak with his friends and classmates who describe him as a 6’4 “gentle giant.”

Baltimore County Police believe the shooting was targeted. @wbaltv11

— Amy Lu (@amyluwbal) October 28, 2021

It is an extremely difficult time for the Ransom family and individuals have been giving their musings and sympathies to them and asking them to remain solid. Barry Ransom was not accessible on Instagram until his end yet individuals have been giving their last wishes through Instagram as well.

On Instagram, however it has additionally been difficult to spot him on some other online media handle as it appears he more likely than not picked to avoid the public eye. Online media has become accommodating for the course of occurrences like this as individuals can know and share about it quickly.