Gotham City is not a nice place, and fans have been watching the heroes of the city fight a never-ending battle against some of the worst villains the DC Universe has to offer. What’s also interesting, is that Gotham’s villains aren’t just deadly, they are also terrifying both in deeds and appearance.

With Halloween almost upon us, we decided to turn to our favorite comics to find some exciting new ways to enjoy the season, and we were once again shocked by the sheer amount of horrifying villains that operate out of Gotham City. So today we are going to explore Batman’s Rogues Gallery for the scariest and most terrifying villains Gotham City has to offer.


Jervis Tetch is definitely more creepy than terrifying, but he has managed to outdo his own insanity over the years which continually makes the character scarier. Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s iconic Alice in Wonderland novels, Tetch modeled himself after the Hatter due to his obsession with hats which he used to house the mind control technology he invented.

Of course, what really makes Mad Hatter terrifying is his troubling fixation on children, especially young girls. Tetch’s confusion with reality often sees him kidnapping young girls (including Barbara Gordon/Batgirl) and forcing them to have tea parties with him, allowing him to live out his twisted fantasy.


Scarecrow is an obvious inclusion on this list for a number of reasons, though his physical appearance is not the scariest thing about him. Sure, the Scarecrow motif is creepy and unsettling, but it’s what Dr. Jonathan Crane is able to do with his unique expertise that really terrifies Gothamites.

Crane has spent his life exploring his obsession with fear, and he uses his chemistry expertise to create incredibly potent fear toxins that have caused mass hallucinations and driven his victims insane over the years. He may be physically weak and frail, but that doesn’t matter once he’s dosed you with enough fear toxin to drop Batman.


Gotham City is no stranger to serial killers, with a number of Batman’s more colorfully costumed villains holding that distinction due to their own kill counts. However, Cornelius Stirk managed to make serial killing even darker when he added fear-based cannibalism into his MO.

Stirk believes that he needs to feed on the hearts of humans, most specifically, hearts that have been filled with norepinephrine due to emotional stimuli like fear. Stirk also has a hypnotic aura that allows him to trick his victims into seeing faces they trust before he scares, kills, and eats them.


Gotham City may be filled with terrifying killers and creepy dudes with hat fetishes, but it is also home to a number of legitimate monsters, with sharp teeth and claws and everything. Waylon Jones/Killer Croc is a great example of this, as he is a mutated human that resembles a giant crocodile.

While he has changed in appearance and mental capability over the years due to his continued devolution, it’s hard to say which version of the character is more terrifying; the cold ruthless criminal with the strength of a crocodile or the mindless animalistic croc with the capabilities of a human.


The first appearance of Batman coincided with the first appearance of Doctor Death, who used poisonous gas to extort money from rich people in his earliest appearances. The character received a gruesome makeover that earned him a place on this list in the New 52 during Scott Snyder’s reworked origin of Batman that was told in Zero Year.

Death was now Dr. Karl Helfern, a mad scientist seeking revenge who created a serum that increased bone growth and turned him into a skeletal monster whose bones were constantly growing. Doctor Death’s physical transformation ended up taking him out in the end, but he still remains one of Gotham’s scariest villains based on his appearance alone.


Dr. Kirk Langstrom has spent many years walking the line between good and evil as he also dealt with the ongoing transformation into the winged creature known as Man-Bat. Langstrom originally intended to create a serum that would give human’s the same echolocation as bats, but instead, he turned into Man-Bat.

While physically Man-Bat is obviously terrifying, but it’s the sliding scale of control that Langstrom sometimes exhibits that can be really frightening. Additionally, Langstrom’s serum has been enhanced and used by others, creating armies of ninja Man-Bats to make things even more terrifying.


Victor Zsasz is another of Gotham’s notorious serial killers, though he is not as flashy as some of his fellow Arkham inmates. Zsasz doesn’t dress up or plan elaborate traps, Zsasz is a killer, plain and simple. He methodically enjoys the thrill of the hunt and it’s rare to encounter the killer before he has had a chance to strike, leaving bodies around Gotham for Batman to clean up.

What does make Zsasz stand out among the other killers of Gotham is his unique dedication to keeping track of his kills. Zsasz marks down each of his kills on his body with a sliced tally mark, scarring up his body in counts of five, showcasing his ruthless efficiency as he continues to collect his victims on his body.


While Gotham is full of terrifying villains, there are a couple of deranged members of the Rogues Gallery that no one wants to work with, including other villains. Lazlo Valentin/Professor Pyg is one such villain, as his unique brand of insanity drives him to horribly disfigure and mutilate his victims so he can turn them into mind-controlled Dollotrons.

Pyg and his equally disturbed Circus of Strange marked a new crazy evolution in Batman’s villains for the modern era, and Pyg continues to represent the darker crop of villains that have entered Batman’s life since Grant Morrison’s time with the character prior to Flashpoint.


Jane is a serial killer with a unique MO, as she gets to know her victims before she kills them so that she can take over their identity. Jane Doe herself has no real known identity, and even her physical form resembles that of a skinless person, though she is rumored to have shape-changing capabilities that haven’t been fully explored.

However, her methods of assuming the identities of her victims sometimes included very severe methods of replication where she would make skin suits to wear instead of using makeup or other disguising techniques. Chances are by the time you’ve figured out Jane Doe is the villain, she’s already made your skin suit.


Without a doubt, the most terrifying citizen of Gotham City is the Clown Prince of Crime, The Joker. Not only does he play on the fear of clowns, or Coulrophobia, to increase his creepiness, but Joker’s unpredictability and coldbloodedness mean you never know what to expect when The Joker crosses your path.

The Joker is as likely to pull a mean-spirited prank as he is to slice and dice his victims on a whim, which makes anyone caught up in his schemes fear for their lives. Even Batman fears the Joker or at least fears what he is capable of, making Joker easily the most terrifying villain in Gotham City.