It’s perhaps true that for fans of some of the biggest comic book superheroes, the hardest days are those final handful that lead up to the release of a new movie. In some strange way, the collective anticipation of an upcoming movie gets to near obsessive levels in the final weeks and during this time studios seem only too happy to tease images, TV spots and anything else that keeps the hype at a fever pitch.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice – quite possibly the greatest battle scenario in the history of superhero movies – is on its way and will arrive in theaters in a little over a month. Much has been said and seen of the upcoming film and every new piece of potential information is heavily scrutinised, debated and generally freaked out over. With that being said, the official Batman v Superman Twitter page has released a new image (below) that promises to keep fans as frantic as ever.

The new image is a stirring one indeed, with a sombre, trench coated Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) standing atop a monstrous pile of rubble that clearly once was Wayne Financial. The image’s tag line reads “They brought the war to us,” and is a variation on a line that’s been featured heavily throughout Batman V Superman’s trailers - where Bruce appears to tell Alfred (Jeremy Irons) that Superman (Henry Cavill) is the one who “brought the war” to the people of Earth.

They brought the war to us. #BatmanvSuperman— Batman v Superman (@BatmanvSuperman) February 11, 2016

As far as villains go, we know that Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) will be the main puppet master in Batman V Superman, while Luthor’s “muscle” will (it seems) take on the form of Doomsday. However, going by the shot of Superman kneeling in front of Luthor that’s been shown in the film’s trailers, one has to wonder if Luthor forces the Man of Steel to fight Batman at some point in director Zack Snyder’s superhero movie. If so, will Batman be humankind’s last hope in those moments? Or might Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) step in to lend a helping hand, before all three superheroes team up to take down Doomsday instead?

Questions will likely persist until the movie’s release, which is a good thing. Fans will be kept eager and just enough in the dark for the film to truly provide the colossal sort of experience that a battle between Superman and Batman deserves. WB/DC’s plan to let the hype and tension continue to build is an appropriate one – it might mean an overwhelming degree of eagerness for fans, but it will all pay off in the end when the two titans go to war.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice opens on March 25, 2016, which is followed by Suicide Squad on August 5, 2016; Wonder Woman on June 23, 2017; Justice League Part One on November 17, 2017; The Flash on March 16, 2018; Aquaman on July 27, 2018; Shazam on April 5, 2019; Justice League Part Two on June 14, 2019; Cyborg on April 3, 2020; and then Green Lantern Corps. on June 19, 2020.

Source: Warner Bros. Pictures/DC